So much has happened....Isaac on the news...a birthday...

It has been forever since I have been able to post anything online. We have had so much going on, and to top it all off, our computer was out of commission for a month. Isaac turned four!!!! I can't believe my little guy is four years old! We had a super birthday celebration for him at Port Discovery in Baltimore, MD. If you have never been there, it is amazing. It is a huge children's museum. It is three floors of running, jumping, climbing, fun. Plus, the kids can learn so much too. We didn't have a party there, Grandpa, Granny, Auntie Lydia and Uncle Mike, Ian, me and the boys went. It is too much fun to even begin to tell.
In other awesome news...our local news station came to Isaac's pre-school and did a news spot on him and another little boy in his class. I don't know if you can still view the video, but the story is at this link
It was a "beyond words" experience to get to tell a little about our story and introduce the world to our amazing little guy. We would not have been given this opportunity if we had been patients of another hospital. The whole reason we got this opportunity was because of GBMC. We love them so much! Many of the children in Isaac's pre-school have gone to GBMC for their surgery and mapping, speech therapy etc. We are not just a number there and love the people we work with. They have also given me another opportunity to "share our story" with a room full of speech therapists in our county. GBMC came to conduct a seminar for speech therapists in our area and they asked me to give a parent perspective on cochlear implants! It was so incredible to have these opportunities and I cannot give them enough praise. We are so thankful we chose GBMC!
Although I lost a pregnancy, I have felt so blessed in the past few months. God is doing amazing things in our family and I look forward to the future. I had a complete molar pregnancy and they were able to tell me from the chromosome analysis that it would have been a girl. I knew it in my heart that she was a girl. We gave her the name Abigail which is a Hebrew name and it means, "Joy of the Father." We had been praying for a little girl. Even before we had conceived, she had a name and she still has that name even though she is not living on this earth. She is in heaven right now and I will meet her some day. I look forward to that day. She is complete and whole and will never experience the pain or tears of this world. I look forward to meeting her. As I was driving in my car the other day, I had a thought as I was remembering all the past few months have meant. I was thinking about Abigail and I heard her say, " You weren't ready for me yet mom". I don't know how I thought this, but I realize it is right. God is dealing with my heart in many ways, and I want to be complete and whole in Him before I have a daughter who will look to me for the example of a Godly woman. If I am honest with myself, I know this is true. I believe some day I will have a daughter, if not in this lifetime, I will meet Abigail in heaven and we will embrace knowing that God's will is perfect and that although she was in my life for only a few weeks, she was an answer to prayer.