Isaac's World

Isaac is Deaf but hears with cochlear implants. He received his first cochlear implant on September 25th, 2006. He received his second cochlear implant on September 10, 2008. This is his journey with sound as told by mommy.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Mapping and Speech Therapy

Today Gramps, Isaac and I drove to Philly for another mapping and for some speech therapy. When we got there, Joy Peterson took us into the sound booth to test Isaac on what he was hearing. Pretty much across the board, he is hearing at 30 db. We are so happy. He is hearing and responding to speech and even loud whispers. Joy didn't change any of Isaac's programs because he was doing so well. Our next appointment for mapping will be in about 3 months.

This was the first speech therapy appointment that we had at CHOP. It went really well. Isaac is able to hear and respond to the 6 "Ling" sounds including: ah, ooo, eee, sh, sssss, and mmm. Now it is our job to teach him to differentiate between them. Isaac picked up on the games that Rebecca Ramirez, the Speech-Language Pathologist was playing pretty quickly. He was following her verbal commands pretty well. She would tell him to put a shape in the bucket or "uh-oh" and drop it on the floor. Towards the end of the game, he started to understand and follow her verbal requests. It was nice to get a different perspective on teaching Isaac to listen.

The trip to Philly was a good one and we are very happy with the outcome so far. Isaac is right where he needs to be along this journey. We as parents and his family will make sure he succeeds by giving him love, support and every tool he needs to make the best use of this technology. We are so proud of him.


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