Isaac's World

Isaac is Deaf but hears with cochlear implants. He received his first cochlear implant on September 25th, 2006. He received his second cochlear implant on September 10, 2008. This is his journey with sound as told by mommy.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Thank You Jesus!

So much has happened in our bi-lateral journey. I can finally say that we are reaching a happy place. Bye Bye CHOP....Hello GBMC (Greater Baltimore Medical Center)! God has His timing with everything and I am learning that slowly and painfully, but also joyfully! In church on Sunday, the Message was on putting God first and loving Him before anything. It seems like a pretty common sense thing, but it actually hit a nerve in my soul. I finally came to the place where I said, "regardless of the outcome of this, I will love You Jesus and not worry." This led me to make phone calls that have changed so much for us. I want everyone to understand that this is not anything I or anyone else has done, it is God. He is the one who gives us strength and can change things. Even though I made the calls and Let Them Hear is working on our behalf, God did this.

I will try to make a long story short. Our primary insurance never denied Isaac's 2nd cochlear implant. CHOP "dropped the ball" and told us they denied the coverage. Our insurance does not need a pre-certification for outpatient surgery (CI surgery is outpatient). CHOP called to get pre-certification and was probably ignored since this is not required. The only thing I can understand is that CHOP interpreted this lack of action as a denial. Since CHOP heard nothing, they were relying on medical assistance. This is where our battle came in. We were trying to fight medical assistance. Now, we don't need to!

Every last detail seems to be falling into place with GBMC. First of all, they are only an hour's drive from our house as opposed to a two and a half hour drive to CHOP. Secondly, GBMC participates with our insurance plan. Thirdly, I made a phone call in the morning and got a return phone call from GBMC within a half an hour. The call came from an audiologist. Not a secretary or someone who would just gather information, but someone who genuinely cared about our situation and listened to me for over an hour on the phone. By the end of the day, I had an appointment scheduled for Isaac's initial consultation and a packet of information on the way to our house. Fourthly, the people at GBMC told me they would contact another bi-lateral family from York, PA and have them get in contact with us to tell about their experiences with GBMC. By the end of the day, I had spoken with this amazing woman about her son and her experiences in this crazy journey. Lastly, this morning I made an appointment with the CI surgeon and it happened that their first available appointment was fifteen minutes after our consultation with the CI Team at GBMC! This means we only have to make one trip! THANK YOU JESUS!

My faith has been tested so much during this journey and I am sure it will continue to be tested. Now I know that God's timing is the right timing. He is the most important thing in my life. He should come first. Before anything and everything. When this happens, everything falls into place. Praise Jesus!

P.S. Isaac's appointments are next Thursday, June 12th. Talk about quickly!


Blogger Laurie said...

{jumping up and down} This is wonderful news! I know you are relieved and happy! Yes, God's timing is perfect. . .

Your summer is off to a great start! Will think good thoughts for you.


9:24 AM  
Blogger Mom to Toes said...

Shiloh, that is so wonderful! I am so glad everything is falling into place.

Isaac is really going to soar now.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news!! It is amazing how things work out, isn't it.

Best of luck to Isaac and your family. I am so happy for you.

(I do wonder what CHOP is going to do when a portion of their patients - being denied bilaterals - move to other centers...)

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shiloh - I am so happy for you all. That is great, I will be awaiting word after the appointment on June 12th.

Yeah mommy, way to go!

Nicole and Kylie

12:38 PM  
Blogger The Brights said...

Wonderful!! That is awesome how quickly everything fell into place! I bet you are feeling quite relieved! Prayers for you, Isaac, and your family. I can't wait to read post surgery updates! BTW, my son and I always visit your page. He loves seeing someone his size with the same 'ear(s)'. Best of luck!

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can hear the joy in your voice here, and I'm so incredibly happy for all of you. It's wonderful news Shiloh!!

1:28 PM  
Blogger Drew's Mom said...

Yeah! What a difference in the tone of the post! I'm so happy that things are working out so well for you all.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Christian and Lily's Mommy said...

So happy for you all!

2:34 PM  

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